Scientists working on nanochip hardware

At Chiral, nanomaterials meet precision and automation to revolutionize the future of electronics.

1D nanomaterials like carbon nanotube and 2D nanomaterials like graphene and TMDs have outstanding properties that will drive innovation in semiconductor, quantum technology, sensing, and life science. The challenge lies in incorporating these extremely small materials into devices precisely and quickly, without compromising the quality of the materials.

Chiral develops robotic machines for the fully automated assembly of clean nanomaterials at the wafer scale with unprecedented precision and speed. Our current process focuses on scaling up the production of of clean carbon nanotube devices. With our technology, we serve our customers in two different models. If you are interested in Chiral’s support in end-to-end nanodevice fabrication, please check out our nanodevice foundry service. Alternatively, we can install our nanoassembly machine at your facility and keep supplying thoroughly characterized, high-quality nanomaterials to you.

How it works

Material growth

Growth of high-quality nanomaterials is the first critical step in our production cycle.

GIF displaying the growth of nanomaterials

Material characterization

Chiral characterizes its nanomaterials thoroughly to ensure their quality and select the materials that are most suitable for your target application.

Robotic assembly

Our robotic nanoassembly machine places the selected nanomaterial on the device or target structures. This fully automated machine allows uninterrupted assembly of devices at wafer level with unprecedented precision and speed.

The angle, at which the cantilevers approach the device, can be adjusted.

GIF displaying the robotic assembly

Our robotic assembly is based on a technology originally explored at the Micro and Nanosystems Group of ETH Zurich. Development of the robotic nanoassembly machine and related technologies was performed in a research consortium led by Empa and supported by the SFA Advanced Manufacturing program of the ETH Domain.

How it works


Material growth

Growth of high-quality nanomaterials is the first critical step in our production cycle.

GIF displaying the growth of nanomaterials

Material characterization

Chiral characterizes its nanomaterials thoroughly to ensure their quality and select the materials that are most suitable for your target application.

GIF displaying the quality check progress of nanomaterials

Robotic assembly

Our robotic nanoassembly machine places the selected nanomaterial on the device or target structures. This fully automated machine allows uninterrupted assembly of devices at wafer level with unprecedented precision and speed.

GIF displaying the robotic assembly



High-performance transistors

IoT Sensors

Low-power chemical and physical sensors

Quantum Technology

Nanoscale systems exhibiting quantum effects

Medical Devices

Targeted drug delivery systems